Saturday, May 16, 2009

Good Sam Spring Samboree

We are again at Bethpage Camp Resort in Urbanna, VA for the Virginia State Spring Samboree. We were last here in May 2007. Last year we went to West Virginia's Samboree. You may recall that seven rigs from our group traveled to WVA, and the high light of the weekend was that five of seven had to be pulled out of the mud.

It would not be a Samboree without rain. The showers came Friday afternoon as people were gathering for dinner. This campground drains well and there is little danger of getting stuck. Rain ended early, but more rain is forecast for the weekend.

Several of us began the weekend here on Thursday. We will stay until Monday to get the most out of the weekend. We have friends of the Matheny's camping with us, and we hope they will join ODC and camp with us often.

Old Dominion Cardinals are supporting the new Virginia State Director as much as we can. We encouraged him to seek the office and promised to support him. We have seventeen rigs in our group attending the Samboree. Friday evening we served the dinner meal, cleaned up the dining area and set up refreshments at the opening ceremonies. Today, Saturday, we will have two fund raising activitiues: selling used books at the flea market and hamburgers for lunch.

Most Samboree activities take place today. With over 200 rigs here there are enough people to keep everyone interested. If the weather remains dry, we will all be out and about. It should be fun. We'll tell you about it later.


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