Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Southward Bound

It is a new year and time to head south to warmer temperatures. December was a terrific month with all the fun and excitement of the Christmas season. We thoroughly enjoyed our time with our children and grandchildren. The new year is underway, and we look forward to new travel and new experiences. Several of our traveling friends are on the road or have already reached their winter destinations. We plan to depart sometime tomorrow depending on weather. Today, we are under a winter advisory. It is wet, but we have no snow or ice.

Our first destination is Columbus, GA where we will celebrate Janice's mother's 100th birthday on January 10th. The party will be at her assisted living facility, and we expect about 200 guests, including grandchildren and great grandchildren. The actual birthday is January 14, and we will stay in Columbus for that.

We plan to arrive at Crystal Lake in Naples, FL January 16th. We look forward to the warm temperatures that friends have been telling us we are missing. Hopefully, travel will be uneventful and the trip will go as planned. We will post our experiences during the trip, as Internet service is available.


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