Friday, December 5, 2008

Williamsburg & Cold Weather Camping

We last posted in October, and we were in Frederick, MD. It is now December and we are in Williamsburg, VA. We are happy to again be camping with friends at the American Heritage RV Park.

Although we have not been camping in the past month, we did have the motor home out for one day of maintenance. Ralph drove to Marshall, VA last Tuesday to Premier RV. Since our earliest RV days, we have gone to Mike in Marshall for maintenance; first with the Airstream, then with the La Palma, and now with the Windsor. Mike has our confidence and provides the services we need. Our diesel engine and generator have been serviced and should work well for another twelve months.

In 2006 we joined the Dogwood Chapter of Family Motor Coach Association (FMCA). This group of Class A RV owners resides in central Virginia. The Halsteads, Tolsons,Freeds, and Ferebees who are members of the Old Dominion Cardinals also belong to the Dogwoods, and will all be here this weekend.

The main event this weekend is the chapter's annual Christmas party. Finding hosts for this weekend is always difficult because of the many holiday activities. During one of the summer camp outs, Mem Halstead volunteered to host. She then recruited three other couples to help, and here we are. We are expecting between 55-60 folks to be here. We will coordinate two dinner meals, two breakfast meals and a Christmas party. It should be fun.

We enjoy arriving for these camp outs on Thursday. Apparently, other folks do also. Last evening we had at least eleven coaches here, and we all went to dinner in town. It was an excellent dinner at the "Seafarer & Steak" restaurant, and nothing like usual camping fare. After three hours of "gourmet dining", we came home full and sleepy.

Christmas shopping is always an agenda item during this weekend. We expect many of the ladies and a few of the men will take advantage of these opportunities. Williamsburg is beautifully decorated and will have its "Grand Illumination" Sunday night. We enjoyed that experience immensely last year, and will pass it up this year.

It's cold. We had the heat pumps on yesterday and through the night. The temperatures are in the twenty to thirty degree range this morning. The furnace is keeping us comfortable now. We are one of the few camp sites that can receive satellite TV because of trees. The cable hook up on our site does not work, so we are fortunate to have satellite. We have all the comforts of home.


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