Saturday, October 25, 2008

More Fun at Frederick

In a word, "rain" describes Saturday at the Maryland Samboree. Overnight sprinkles turned to showers in early morning and showers morphed into torrents during midday. By late afternoon, sprinkles returned and just before dark a major rainbow appeared across the sky.

Rainy days test a camper’s resolve. It is easy to retire to the warmth and comfort of the motor home, but we ventured out to have a meeting of our Old Dominion Cardinals contingent. Jim secured a dry space inside a building and we were able to discuss several issues. Discussions were interrupted frequently due to heavy rain pelting down on a tin roof. It was impossible to hear the person next to you speak. We had most everyone there and Jim led a good meeting.

Most of our group had signed up for the Samboree Saturday evening dinner; a mistake. Tables were arranged in five long rows extending the length of the banquet hall. Tables were so close to one another that it was very difficult to walk between tables. The menu was roasted chicken, corn on the cob, shish-ka-bob, soup, and raspberry turnover. Dinner was served buffet style after wait-staff tried to serve beverages and a soup course. The plan changed after it took “forever” to serve beverages – cups were eventually passed from the table ends until everyone had one. Oh, in keeping with the medieval theme, no utensils were available; it was a “fingers only” meal. The shish-ka-bob was over cooked and shouldn’t have been served. The chicken was okay although some complained it was dry. The best part was the raspberry turnover.

Dinner was followed by a “brown bag” auction to raise money for the Dogs for the Deaf charity. Bids are made on brown paper bags without knowing what is in the bag. There are surprises – good and bad. The auction resulted in a $500 donation to the charity, and it was fun for participants and observers.

Entertainment for the evening was a band called “Mutual Fun”. They played a mix of dance and listening music, and they were very entertaining.Between sets, door prizes, raffle-winners, and Good Sam awards were presented.

We returned to our coach before the entertainment ended. We are happy to be snug in the warmth and comfort of our motor home.


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