Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Getting Into the Flow

We used the weekend to rest up and get the motor home organized. We are about "foot balled-out". After so many college bowl games, the pro playoffs have been less interesting. Maybe the Super Bowl will re-energize us for football.

Sunday morning was special as we went to our church and Bible study class. We have anxiously anticipated returning to First Baptist Church Naples. We were not disappointed. We met old friends and had a terrific worship service and Bible study. One surprise was that our Care Group of the Bible and Life Group (BLG) is being reorganized (split). The plan is to make the care groups smaller and expand them with new members. This Friday night we have a pot-luck dinner for the BLG, about 150 folks.

One activity that is slow in developing is swimming. The 8:00 AM temperature today is 39 degrees. For the five days we have been here, we have not seen anyone in the pool. We know this is temporary, but even the "heartiest" among us have not braved the cool weather and the strong winds.

Ladies Bible study meets today. The group began several weeks ago and Janice looks forward to catching up with friends with whom she has studied for several years.

Tonight is "Rib Dinner" at the clubhouse; one of many excellent meals provided by the Social Rec Committee. We will be back at the clubhous4e Saturday morning for "Bountiful Breakfast". This is always a treat with more food than anyone should eat.

One sad note: Our friend Al was admitted to the hospital Sunday. We are told he is improving daily, and we hope to visit him this afternoon. When we asked what his problem is, we were told, "He has many problems, and they are all of concern".

The presidential inauguration is over, and January is nearing its end. This has been a wild and active month for us, and we hope February will be calmer. Some warmer weather will also be welcome. Ralph has been wearing shorts most days with a heavy sweatshirt or jacket. He seems to think shorts are appropriate in Florida regardless of the temperature; or, maybe he is just stubborn!


At January 29, 2009 at 10:30 AM , Blogger Mann Duff said...

I'm just gussing that Eagles In Flight is the Parson's blog. I just happened across it and thought I would leave a note. Carolyn and I are in Texas. It's nice today but the nights have been cold lately. Enjoy the warm Florida sunshine.

Mann Duff


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