Saturday, June 21, 2008

Grey's Point RV Park

This is really an upscale RV park. We were here last year, and it is good to see improvements are still being made. Sites were assigned when reservations were made, so we are a little scattered over several rows. The sites are open so that we can move about easily. The park erected a large tent canopy for us to use for meals, meetings, etc. This is an active summer weekend and the water park is particularly busy.

Friday was a rest day for us. By 'happy hour' (4:00 PM) most of the folks had arrived. We had a good crowd under the tent. It was good to see folks we had not seen since April. Two new couples have joined us for the weekend: Greg and Marianne and Gil and Rosemary are first timers with our group. We hope they will become members and regular attendees. We capped the day with dinner at a local seafood restaurant. The crab cakes were excellent. Thunderstorms came again Friday night.

The Trip Captains provided a terrific breakfast Saturday morning. The Second Annual ODC Hogs Motorcycle Ride began about 10:00 AM. We non-riders cheered the hogs on as they roared out of the park. Others spent the day at the pool and others went shopping. There were some of us who chose to do nothing. A perfect weather day made everyone's choice the right one. Happy Hour was followed by our business meeting and then a pot luck dinner. Rain began before dinner and continued through the meal, but we stayed dry under the canopy. We sure eat well.

Tomorrow morning we will have a 'gotta-go' breakfast when everyone is encouraged to bring left-over food items that 'gotta-go' before we go home. Most everyone will be gone by 11:30 AM. This has been a great weekend, but we will be happy to be going home. It's time!


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