Saturday, June 21, 2008

Indiana to Virginia

Randy took the coach Monday morning and finished up the punch list. Janice had raised a question about some trim molding over the main slide. This piece had been replaced by the dealer. Randy took out the earlier replacement and expressed his disgust at such a sloppy repair.

Tuesday was paint day. The coach went to the paint shop for several 'fixes'. Fortunately, we did not have to go to a motel for the night, although we were packed and ready. The coach was returned by 3:00 PM. We tried to find Bud to see if we were done. We located him as he was quitting for the day; he said he would see us in the morning. The work is never finished until the paperwork is done.

We slept well Tuesday night believing we would be leaving on Wednesday. We awoke at the regular time and prepared the coach for travel. A problem arose as we were wrapping up travel preparations: the refrigerator was showing an error code. We called Bud, and he had Randy come over. Randy re-set the computer and wished us a safe trip.

We waited for Bud in the lounge. About 8:30 AM Bud said we could leave when ready. We said farewell to our fellow lounge lizards and headed out the door. We took the coach to the dump station one more time and kept going toward the open highway.

Wednesday was warm and sunny with no rain. We drove about nine hours and reached Charleston, WV before stopping at a Wal-Mart for the night. This was a good stop: plenty of parking room and quiet. We slept well.

Thursday we decided to go all the way to Grey's Point in Topping, VA. We arrived around 3:30 PM and were parked across from the Halsteads and Mathenys already here. Nine other ODC member rigs are scheduled to arrive tomorrow. It should be a great weekend, if the weather cooperates.

Soon after dinner (beans and franks at Halsteads), we had a thunderstorm. It was intense for about twenty minutes, then gone. The sunshine returned until dusk and we saw an amazing sight: a cloud with a silver lining. It was beautiful and most unusual. After dark, rain began again and continued most of the hours following. We should know by morning whether our leaks are all repaired. It is good to be back in Virginia with friends.

We are the last two ODC folks to return from the West Virginia Samboree. Remember? That is how this trip began May 15.


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