Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Wraping Up

Tuesday was a remarkable day: no rain and much sunshine. Iowa can be beautiful with cloudless blue skies from horizon to horizon. Sunglasses and happy smiles were a welcomed change.

Rally activities kept us busy all day Tuesday. The meals continue to be excellent with breakfast portions sufficient until dinner. We attended seminars most of the day, each to one's interest. Both of us heard about travel to the Canadian Maritimes and to Alaska. We met two couples that leave here for Alaska.

Yesterday was also election day for our club. Several officers were re-elected, but many of the positions will have new people for the coming year. Volunteers make the club and its rallies work, and we have some dedicated folks. One big issue at the business meeting was how to get folks to attend the fall rally in Lodi, CA. A special mailing to members in the western states will be done in coming weeks. The responses will determine whether the rally can be held. Distance and fuel costs are big factors.

Between seminars yesterday, we went to town to the Amana Meat Market and Chocolate Shop. These are two "must visit" places, and we left some money at each. We also had an ice cream social at the coach display area and a pet parade for all the four-legged critters that travel in motor homes. Our entertainer last night was Sarah Getto, an amazing story of an extremely talented girl who has overcome major handicaps to bring joy to many people.

Today, Wednesday, is the last day of the rally. Most of us will be on the road tomorrow. Rain is in the forecast for today and tomorrow. What little inconvenience the weather has cause us is nothing. There are communities all around us with major flooding and damage from wind and tornadoes. We have been fortunate, and we are thankful. Tomorrow we all begin a new adventure.


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