Saturday, June 7, 2008

Wind , Wind, Wind

"The Nerd" was a lot of fun last night. The theater is within walking distance of the park even though it is outside the park. The cast was excellent and our group probably outnumbered all others in the audience.

The wind continues to whip across the campground, but we have been rain since Friday AM. It is hot here, but not like back in Virginia. Temperature and humidity are high. The wind gives relief from the heat, but it is strong enough to make walking difficult. More severe weather is forecast to our west. We could see rain later tonight.

We drove through the villages of the Amanas (Amana, Middle Amana, High Amana, West Amana, and South Amana) today to see what is available. We saw the Whirlpool factory where Amana appliances are made and the beautiful farm country characteristic of this region. It was a most pleasant drive.

A "pot luck" tonight kicks off the rally's social schedule. We officially begin tomorrow evening, but this dinner is for the early birds. We sleep; we eat; we repeat. Whatta life!!!


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