Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Long Weekend at Camp Monaco

Memorial Day weekend is over, and the memories linger on. Today is 'Monday' on Tuesday, as we are back to repair work on the coach. We met with Kim, the service writer, this morning to discuss status of work. We'll meet again later today.

Saturday was a beautiful day and we traveled to Shipshewana for a shopping trip. This is a true tourist town. Unfortunately, the Flea Market was closed. We have to go back tomorrow (Wednesday). In the evening a neighbor came by to invite us to a cookout on Sunday afternoon. This was a group effort by those of us here for the weekend.

Sunday was another weather bonanza. The cookout was fun. We met some fun folks and passed much of the afternoon sitting in the sun. Sunday evening was spent watching the NASCAR race from Concord, NC. We took time between events to dump our tanks and re-position our coach on a different site. We had more elbow room on the new site.

We chose not to travel far on Monday. We did go to Wal-Mart and Elkhart town center. The town center was decorated for the parade. We didn't get up early enough for the parade. New coaches began arriving yesterday for appointments today. It is a never ending parade.

Today, Tuesday, is sunny and much cooler. "A really short summer", said one of our neighbors. Still no appreciable rain. We like it that way.


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