Sunday, May 18, 2008

Rain, Rescue, Rally

Our trip Thursday morning began at 7:40 AM as we pulled away from our Fawn Lake home. We arrived at the rendezvous point about 9:00 AM; the six other rigs were already there (One rig was scratched that morning). Larry distributed route maps and windshield placards that identified us as a traveling group. We had a very smooth trip with Larry in the lead. We made a re-fuel stop off of I-81. That was fun to get diesel at $4.40 per gallon. The roads from I-77 into the 4-H Campground were narrow, twisting, and a challenge for 40-foot motor homes.

We were welcomed by friendly folks who were representative of the folks we met all weekend. Our coaches were parked together in a line directly across from the main rally facility in a field of grass that had grown long due to extensive rains during the previous week. Power was available through a 15-amp line strung behind our coaches. This was barely enough to keep the batteries charged for some coaches, but with 10-coaches on each line there was less and less to go around.

Thursday night the rain began. We were pretty smug about it as we listened to the rain on the roof of the RV. By morning the puddles were everywhere; the ground was saturated and the water had nowhere to go. Showers continued to interrupt activities on Friday and poured down again during Friday night. By Saturday, we were sharing concerns about the bog in which our coaches were parked. Around 2:00 PM our group decided to move our seven coaches out of the field onto hardstand in the barn area. More rain was forecast for Saturday night. We guessed Sunday would be chaotic in the field if people were stuck in the mud.

Several rigs behind us made early exits, some with the help of a tow truck. We had a clear area behind our coach and backed up about 50-feet before we sunk into the bog and were stuck. Larry tried to back out and was stuck after moving about four feet. Chuck was next for the tow chain. Wayne made it out to the exit path, but spun his coach into the mud. Dick had the heaviest coach of any of us. He never got underway before a tow was required. Jim M. and Jim S. were the last to even try; they made it out without help.

We owe a debt of gratitude to the WVGS staff. Several of them brought tow trucks, tow chains, and a lot of resolve to get us out. Some rigs were pulled forward and others backward by one, two or three trucks. We provided a long afternoon of entertainment for the assembled spectators. By 6:00 PM, our seven coaches were out of the field and lined up near the barns, then the rains returned. We were pretty happy to be where we were

People make a rally successful or not. West Virgina Good Sams have some terrific people. We had rain, mud, and stuck coaches, yet we had a great rally because of the people. State Directors Don and Kathy Wise lead a wonderful competent volunteer staff. The Wise couple sets the attitude and expectations for the chapters. Their leadership is obvious down to individual members. We were honored to be there.


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