Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Flight Plans Filed & Proposed

We have filed several flight plans for the weeks and months ahead; several more are being considered.

We will leave our nest in Naples tomorrow for a week in Wesley Chapel, FL. The Bodens and Lohmans will travel with us. Some objectives of the trip are to see the area in and around Tampa, see some Grapefruit League baseball games, shakedown the Lohmans' new Class C coach, do something different, and pick up our daughter Karen at the Tampa airport next Tuesday. We hope to leave around 9:30 AM. The last time we traveled, the group was delayed by us having nearly dead batteries. We couldn't retract the awnings until the batteries were charged. Today the batteries are fine.

April 7 is when we begin our flight north. Columbus, GA will be our first extended stop. We will spend a few days visiting Janice's mom. We expect to arrive at the RV dealer's campground in Concord, NC on April 13. We have a service appointment for April 14. Until last Monday, we planned on going home after our NC stop. Now, we will go to Virginia Beach, VA for the ODC camp out. We expect to arrive back at Fawn Lake April 20.

May 15 will be a very interesting day as several ODC members will travel to Mineral Wells, WV for the West Virginia Spring Samboree. At the moment, five of the eight rigs on the "interested" list have plans to travel and arrive on Thursday, May 15. The Samboree begins Friday and runs through Sunday. This replaces our annual trip to the Virginia Samboree which is being held at the same time in Urbana, VA.

We travel west in June to the Amana Colonies, IA for the Monaco America Spring Rally. Oddly, this rally begins Sunday, June 8 and runs through Wednesday, June 11. This will allow us time to roam the mid west before we come back to the ODC camp out June 20-22 at Grey's Point Camp, Topping, VA.

Those are the flight plans already filed, and will take us through June.

On the proposed list, July has another ODC outing, yet to be scheduled. We are looking to August for a trip to Branson, MO and possibly beyond with the Halsteads, Mathenys, Settles and others who choose to join us. September will be the final ODC camp out followed by a fall Samboree in October.

So much to do; so little time.


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