Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Virginia to Florida: Part III

Ralph's plan was to drive about 350-miles, spend a night on the road then have an easy day driving the remaining miles into Naples. Janice's plan was to drive the 500+ miles and be in Naples that night. We arrived that night, in the dark, but before the gate guard had gone home.

Our friends Chuck and Donna had been in Crystal Lake since mid December and had told about our new coach and when to expect us. As soon as we began backing the coach onto the pad we drew a welcoming crowd. It was great to see our friends and to be welcomed back. Only one site remains empty on our street, so the cast is nearly complete.

Our tradition of five years is to have 'wings' at the Pizza & Wings across the street the first day we arrive. We did it again Tuesday night, and it was gooood! We have spent the following week meeting friends at two clubhouse parties, finding and organizing clothes, adjusting to 80 degree temperatures, and settling into our routine. We were thrilled to return to our church on Sunday and to see many friends there. We truly are blessed to be here.

One pleasant surprise has been the wi-fi access we have to the internet. Previously the park signal was too weak for wi-fi from our site ,and we had to subscribe to cable. This is nice; we have access from the coach and the shed. We should do better with this blog.

The golf cart will be delivered on Friday and we should be well settled by then.


At January 24, 2008 at 9:30 PM , Blogger Jim & Linda said...

Yeah! Glad to hear you finally made it to Florida!! I'm jealous of your 80 degree weather. We are in CA now and it is raining buckets here and the temp is around 50 degrees. But we are having fun visiting with family. Anyway, have fun and enjoy the sunshine!! Linda & Jim


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