Sunday, September 16, 2007

Old Dominion Cardinals September Camp Out

Thursday, September 13, 2007.

We had no Internet service at this campground, so we had to wait until Sunday when we came home to make this post.

We have known we were coming on this campout for several months, long before the Michigan trip. However, we were not ready. We awoke this morning knowing we had much to do before we could leave. The painter was coming to re-paint the kitchen, family room and the office. We had things to move and things to put away so the painter could get to the walls.

Yesterday we had the coach in the road in front of the house for washing, which was limited to the front and passenger side because of the sun. So, half the coach was washed. We never thought about moving items to the coach for this weekend yesterday. Brain dead might describe our condition. This morning we loaded the coach while the painter was doing the kitchen walls. We attribute this lack of concentration to fatigue. Recovering from four weeks of travel takes longer than five days.

Oak Grove is around 40-50 miles due east of Fawn Lake. Miss Garmin couldn’t handle the address without confusion; she insisted we go to Colonial Beach and Route 205. Janice talked to Mem and warned her to not rely on Miss Garmin because of the convoluted routing. Our trip was straight through Fredericksburg on SR 3, but not Route 205. Larry took Miss Garmin’s Route 205 and approached the campground by a back road. He was doing well until he reached a locked gate. So close, yet so far.

We were greeted by the Taylors when we arrived. They are the members that got us into the campground. The campground makes a number of sites available for the group, and then you pick your own. There are seven couples here today with 10 more due tomorrow. We are separated somewhat, but we plan to congregate for Happy Hour and meals. The Halsteads, Kings, Scanlons, Settles and Raymonds complete the early bird arrivals.

We could not ask for better weather: warm but not hot and low humidity. Bug spray will get used this weekend: critters here are huge and mean. Trip Captains are scheduled to provide meals on Saturday.

Halsteads’ rig became party central. Happy Hour with heavy hors d’ouvers was followed by a dinner of enchiladas and barbeque with salad and trimmings. This was an impromptu potluck meal that everyone seemed to enjoy.

We have a BIG WHOOP: the Taylors have a new motor home. Their fifth wheeler is gone, and they have a new Georgetown Class A . Tours were conducted.


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