Saturday, September 8, 2007

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

We had no Internet access in Strasburg, therefore, this is our first opportunity to publish.

What a ride we had from Bellefonte to Strasburg! Over hill and dale and the Allegheny Mountain range we came on US 22 and US 322. The ups and downs and twists and turns slowed our speed, yet provided beautiful scenery of valleys below and picturesque small towns along the way. We enjoyed the trip, and were tired when we arrived.

Before the trip, Ralph chose the White Oak Campground because it is close to the Sight & Sound Theater, our destination Friday. It is a comfortable campground with many trees and quite a few trailers and semi-permanent residents. We have a decent site with full hook ups, but no Internet and no cable TV. After moving the coach to several locations on the site, we have satellite TV. The trees bring welcome shade on a very warm day.

Dinner was at the Hershey Farm Restaurant in Strasburg. The smorgasbord was abundant and enjoyable. We arrive soon after 7:00 PM, and closed the restaurant at 8:25 PM. Strasburg retires early.

We have tomorrow and Friday to see the sights. Tonight, we are taking it easy.


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