Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Dutch Treat Campground, Holland, MI

How we continue to be blessed with beautiful weather amazes us. There have been thunderstorms all around us and although we have seen forecasts of rain where we are, it hasn't happened. Today is another sunny and warm day, perfect for our short drive to Holland.

Dutch Treat CG is a nice place. We have back in sites that have shade trees surrounding a small pond. There is a pool, a camp store, WiFi, and full hookups. We're living well.

The trip was easy driving with a four-lane road most of the way. Jim played catch up during the last few miles as he was catching many of the traffic lights red. Even Miss Garmin was happy.

Larry and Mem took us on a driving tour of Holland. Walkie-Talkie communications between cars meant that everyone had a narrator. We saw the house where Mem and Larry live for 25 years, where Larry worked, and the marina on the waterfront. We were able to walk out to the channel lighthouse. Janice hurt her foot on the way out and had to return to the car, but she recovered enough to go to dinner at a classy restaurant on the waterfront, the Piper.

After dinner, the tour continued to Captain Sundaes for ice cream. As we ate the ice cream we came to the conclusion we were each tired out. The next stop was the campground. Goodnight.


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