Monday, August 20, 2007

Museum Ship Valley Camp

We learned that if we sleep in we can skip breakfast and move right to brunch. This is especially good if brunch is at a good restaurant. Let us tell you about "Frank's Place" where we dined before going to the museum.

Jim was up early. He invited Linda to go out for breakfast; she declined. She and Mem were going to Curves for exercise. Jim saw Larry outside and he asked him if he wanted to go out for breakfast; Larry declined. He planned to have cereal for breakfast. Jim was getting desperate. He knocked on our door and asked if we were interested in going out for breakfast. We said sure, but he would have to wait until Janice got ready. He did and we headed for town.

Frank's Place is on the main street and we did not see it on our first pass. We turned into an alley looking for another restaurant that Jim had on his GPS. Janice spotted Frank's back service entrance and decided that would be a good place. We circled around to the front door and took a chance.

Frank's is a local family restaurant with a great menu, excellent service, and terrific food. Janice sure knows how to pick them! She says she did it by seeing so many cars parked in the rear of the building. With that many customers, she reasoned, the food must be good. She was right.

Jim and Ralph wanted to see the Museum Ship Valley Camp. Janice was happy to return to the campground. The 550-foot ore carrier Valley Camp now serves as a floating museum for Great Lakes Maritime History. The ship was built in 1917 and completed over 3-million miles before leaving service in 1966. Today the ship is the largest Great Lakes Museum with over 100 exhibits inside the cargo holds. We saw the engine room, the pilot house, and crews quarters. The story of the ill fated Edmund Fitzgerald is a prominent part of the museum. Two excellent videos show the history of the "Mighty Fitz" and the aftermath of her sinking. Two very damaged lifeboats from the Fitz were recovered and are displayed in the museum.

When Jim and Ralph returned to the campground, Happy Hour (Phase I) was well underway. The plan for dinner was in motion: Larry did another super job of grilling chicken breasts for dinner. Phase II was outstanding again with everyone contributing something to the meal.

A strong breeze kept paper plates and napkins airborne during dinner, and we elected to go to the rec room to play Mexican Dominoes. This is a continuation of the game started in Munising.The rec room closed at 8:30 PM, and we returned to our coaches for the evening.

Tomorrow morning we leave Sault Ste. Marie and return to the Lower Peninsula to visit Mackinaw Island in Lake Huron. It is a short trip, so we will have time to go to Frank's Place for breakfast.