Saturday, August 18, 2007

Sault Ste. Marie, MI

Our convoy of two coaches expanded to three as Jim and Linda became the third convoy member. CB traffic certainly increased with Jim's commentary.

Before we could leave Munising, we had to empty the holding tanks on the coaches. We had been camping three days, and we were heading toward three more days without sewer. Jim got to the dump station first followed by Larry and then Ralph. We then had to hook up the towed vehicles and we finally got on the road around 10:30 AM.

The trip to Soo Locks Campground was routine and made in perfect weather. We are on the bank of the St. Marie's River and have fabulous views of the huge freighters that travel from Lake Superior to Lake Huron and up the St. Lawrence Seaway to the Atlantic Ocean. We are near the International Bridge that connects 'Soo', MI with 'Soo', Ontario. Our camp sites are next to one another and we all are within 50 yards of the water.

Our afternoon was so sunny and warm that we found the local cruise line and by 4:00 PM we were aboard an excursion boat sailing up the river toward the Canadian locks. It was a neat experience. We saw two 1000-foot freighters go through the locks while we were out. We were lifted 21-feet in the lock to the level of Lake Superior from the level of Lake Huron. On the return trip we came through the United States lock and were lowered the 21-feet to the level of Lake Huron. The sun was warm and the waters smooth. We enjoyed the trip immensely.

Dinner tonight at the camp site was like a picnic. We moved the tables together and fixed sandwiches from fixin's. All this with great views of the river. We can't believe how fortunate we are to be here.


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