Saturday, July 28, 2007

Old Dominion Cardinals at Small Country CG

For the second consecutive week we are camping. This is the July 20-22 camp out of the Old Dominion Cardinals at Small Country CG in Louisa, VA. Trip Captains for the weekend are Mem and Larry Halstead, Jim and Peggy Settles, and Leo and Nora Zerhusen.

The Halsteads live a few miles from this campground and stayed here for four months while they were building their house. When they volunteered to be trip captains, they suggested this campground. Small is an apt descriptive of this facility. The heavy tree population makes each site seem smaller than it is and it is already small enough. Larry did a terrific job of putting the rigs into some very small sites. He also shifted some rigs from assigned spaces to one that would accommodate its size. He was ably assisted by Church Tolson.

We have a good turn out of 13 rigs including a guest couple. The Browns are guests of the Settles, and they fit in well with the group. Hopefully, they will come again and join our chapter. The campground has many semi-permanent rigs on the property and limited transient sites. We are mixed in between other temporary campers and the semi-permanent rigs. The sites are not very level and most of us are using blocks to get settled. Electric is all 30-amps. This is not a problem because the weather is pleasantly cool and AC is not needed.

Friday night held a pleasant surprise when Peggy Settles announced that she had made a pot of vegetable soup and there was enough for everyone. Denny Raymond contributed grilled hot dogs and an impromptu dinner was enjoyed by all.

Saturday's breakfast was presented by the TCs and featured Larry Halstead on the stove cooking omelets in a bag. Don't knock it unless you have tried it - it is great! You write you name on a plastic seal-able bag; put eggs and condiments in the bag; seal the bag; squeeze/shake the bag to mix its contents; present the bag to Larry for cooking in boiling water, and wait. Soon Larry returns the bag to you and you empty a hot, perfectly cooked omelet on your plate. It's good eating!

Another perfect weather day encouraged touring. A craft show in Louisa and a bluegrass show in Mineral attracted interest. Another group went to Gordonsville for a tour of several local vineyards. Some folks chose to stay at the campground.

Happy hour found everyone back and chairs were place in a big circle in front of one of the rigs. There were many snacks and tales of the day's adventures to be shared. Dinner followed and the menu was make-your-own hero sandwiches. The meat and bread selections were excellent and the accompanying salads filled out a unique and enjoyable meal.

Jim Settles led the chapter meeting as the VP. He presented a gift to Bill and Rachel for their August wedding. Jim also welcomed our guests and conducted the business of the chapter. The next camp out is at Candy Hill CG at Winchester, VA in August. We won't be there because we will be somewhere in Michigan. A highight of Saturday night was the bonfire that Ed Alexander built and maintained throughout the evening.

Larry Halstead and Chuck Tolson were busy Sunday morning getting the rigs safely out of the campsites. By noon most everyone had exited the park and were headed home.


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