Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Scheduled Maintenance

Today was the day to take the coach to Marshall, VA for maintenance service. We usually try to get this done in April or May soon after returning from Florida. This year we were delayed by our sudden trip to Georgia that occupied most of the month of May.

Premier RV - Truck - Auto is the place we have been going since the first motor home in 2003. Mike is the mechanic and owner of the business. He is competent, fair, and personable. We give him a list of items to be fixed or checked and he either does what is on the list or tells us why he cannot. The key service Mike offers is when an appointment is made he is waiting to drive the coach into the bay when you arrive, and he begins work immediately. After some horrific experiences trying to get service at a RV dealer, this alone makes Mike unique and well worth the 90 minute drive to Marshall.

The coach is in good shape. Today we had a full lube, oil change, filter change and check of the engine, chassis, and generator. We asked about the thermostat because the AC seems to run well after the inside temperature has been reached and passed. Mike suggested we call the manufacturer while we are camping and hooked up and ask the tech rep to talk us through the re-set procedure. All went well at Marshall. We arrived early, Mike was waiting for us, we were out of there around 1:00 pm and home by 2:45 pm.

The coach is ready for our trip to Grey's Point on Friday with the ODC. Our grandchildren, Tyler and Amanda, will be camping with us this weekend. It should be a great time. The Halsteads are bring their granddaughter and her friend. We hope to do some fishing with Tyler. At last count we have 11 coaches scheduled to be there; others may show up. Wayne and Barbara Simmons have been the key folks to pull this weekend together. We are looking forward to a good time.


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