Sunday, August 19, 2007

Great Lakes Shipwreck Museum

What a great day this has been! We awoke to a beautiful sunny Sunday morning on the river. The view continues to be spectacular through the windshield of the motor home. During daylight we set our chairs in front of the coaches and watch the freighters go up and down river. Nights are cool but not cold. Days are warm but not hot. What more could we want?

Today’s activity was to go to the Great Lakes Shipwreck Museum and Light House at Whitefish Point, MI. The drive was about 73 miles from the campground. We rode with Larry and Mem and Jim and Linda rode in their truck. About mid way through the trip a car in front of us lost the right front wheel and the car lurched into the ditch on the right side of the road. Larry pulled over to be sure the driver was okay; he was and we continued on our way. This was the second “wheel” incident for Larry on this trip.

Historic Whitefish Point, “Graveyard of the Great Lakes”, is the site of Lake Superior’s first light house. From the wreck of the “Invincible” in 1816, to the wreck of the “Edmund Fitzgerald” in 1975, Lake Superior has shown it can be a most dangerous body of water. The exhibits are lifelike and extremely well done. We began with a film that covers the wreck of the “Edmund Fitzgerald” and the recovery of the ship’s bell as a memorial to the 29 sailors lost. Touring the museum was profoundly interesting and sad. The museum was a terrific visit and very enjoyable.

Admission to the museum included a visit to the light house and a coupon to buy fudge in the gift shop at a discount. The light house is no longer manned by a ‘keeper’. The beacon is now remotely operated from the Soo. The keeper’s living quarters are preserved and exhibited for tourists. The fudge is excellent.

It was after 2:00 PM when our visit to Whitefish Point was over. We were hungry and the closest restaurant was in Paradise, MI. We stopped at the Berry Patch in Paradise; not a great choice, but adequate. We should have ordered pie and ice cream; it was their specialty.

Our next stop was Bay Mills Resort and Casino in Brimley, MI. We made a brief appearance and decided to move on. Like so many casinos, it was slots, smoke and some table games, with little else.

Back at the Soo Campground, we were just in time for Happy Hour. We gathered at the water’s edge and watched the sunset. Lunch had run out by early evening and we all headed for Antler’s about two blocks from the campground. The ladies wanted more whitefish and Antler’s had exceptional whitefish. We were all well fed when we returned to the campground to around the fire and watch the freighters cruise the river.

Each evening is a three-phase event: Phase I is ‘Happy Hour’; Phase II is dinner; and Phase III is sleep. We also have pre- and post- phases. Jim is keeper of the phases and keeps us informed about what phase we are approaching or leaving.

Phase III is now.


At August 21, 2007 at 3:29 AM , Blogger rvjim said...

Hi Ralph and Janice,
This brought back old memories, lighthouses is one of our favorite stopping places. Donna Tolson sent us your link so we have been checking up on your recent travels. Sure glad to hear you have not been passing on the invites to go eat.
We will be seeing the Tolson's when they pass through on Thursday and I'm sure we will do our part in eating out. Have a good trip and we will see you in Crystal Lake.
Jim and Lois Campbell


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