Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Mackinac Island

We had heard that Mackinac Island was a special place and today's visit to the island was all that we anticipated it would be. The morning was overcast and showers were forecast. We traveled to the ferry dock with jackets, and we were prepared for a rain that never arrived. By mid afternoon the sun had appeared, the jackets had been shed, and we were looking for shade. The weather was great the entire day.

The ferry was swift, comfortable and deposited us on the island with ease and efficiency. Close by the dock we found the ticket office for the horse drawn carriage rides. We had a 30-minute wait and the ladies used that time for shopping.

A story about horses on the island may be of interest. When the automobile was invented, one made its way to the island. The auto was noisy and frightened the horses. Citizens of the island petitioned the island governing body to dis-allow autos on the island. The governing council was happy to pass the necessary prohibiting laws. Since then, automobiles and motor powered vehicles are prohibited on the island. Bicycles and horses provide transportation. Two exceptions allow a fire truck and a police car. We had heard an ambulance was also allowed, but this was not confirmed.

We enjoyed the carriage ride. The narration was better during the second half, but we learned a lot along the way. The rides ended at Fort Mackinac. We had the option of touring the fort and we did. The fort dates back to 1780. It has been manned by soldiers from England and the United States. It was contested in the American Revolution and in the War of 1812. Some of the buildings are over 225 years old.

After touring and visiting the fort, we were hungry. The buffet at the Grand Hotel was an option at $45 per person. The Tea Room was also an option. Food at the Tea Room was prepared by the Grand Hotel staff, and was at Tea Room prices. We opted for the Tea Room, and we had a great lunch with a fabulous view of the harbor.

By the time we had walked down the hill from the fort to town, we were weary and made our way to the docks. The ferry was easily boarded and we had a pleasant voyage back to the mainland. Happy Hour and dinner were next on the agenda. We arrived at the campground to find Jim and Linda's friends Joe and Rita who had arrived during the afternoon. They would join us for dinner.

Janice had found a restaurant in town that was well recommended. "Audie's" proved to be another good choice. We left feeling we had been treated to an excellent dinner with good food, good service, and friends. The only thing left to do was to go to the edge of Lake Huron, look at a setting sun, look at the Mackinac Bridge, look at the passing freighters, and know that God has created a marvelous world, and that we are truly blessed to be enjoying it.

Tomorrow is a travel day to Traverse Bay. We will make a leisurely drive with a stop in Petoskey, MI en route. We have enjoyed Mackinac Island and Mackinaw City.


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