Sunday, August 26, 2007

Sunday - A Day of Rest

Today was a down day. After yesterday's multiple activities no one in the group was interested in pursuing any serious activities. Morning came late for the ladies as they 'slept-in'. The men were upright earlier, but were moving slow. By mid morning everyone agreed that a down day was needed. Late in the morning the ladies ventured out to a shopping center to find an assortment of supplies and food. They returned in early afternoon. The men had conversed about major issues while the ladies were away. Awnings were a high priority.

The afternoon was perfect for naps and several were taken. Happy Hour (Phase I) was a little late beginning because of exercise. Larry and Mem took a short bicycle ride around the park. Linda and Jim were out bicycling much longer and saw much of the park as well. Janice did additional laundry and Ralph played on the computer. Phase I means food, and we had it in abundance today. So much food in fact that dinner was put on hold to complete the game (Phase X) that we began two days before. This was followed by a game of "Oh Hell". This was a much faster game completed before dark. We all retired to our coaches for dinner (Phase II) and sleep (Phase III).

Tomorrow we travel to Ludington, MI. Jim and Janice conspired to go out for breakfast in the morning before we depart the campground. We will miss this resort. It has been very comfortable.


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