Sunday, October 14, 2007

Monaco America Rally: Day 3 or Day - 1

One of the great reasons to come to a rally early is the easy run up to the 'first day'. This rally officially begins tomorrow. Today we met several new folks, sat in our chairs under the awning, and even tuned in to TV to see the Redskins lose to the Packers, all before dinner.

Dinner was a 'pot luck' at the meeting center. We arrived in a hay wagon pulled by a tractor; it beats walking and you meet folks going where you are going. We were much too late to get a seat near the buffet table - a big mistake. When we did get to the tables much of the food was gone, but we had more than enough to eat. Early birds really do get the (best) worms, so to speak.

For dinner we sat with Edgar and Sandra Mills of Bowling Green, KY. They are ardent Tennessee Titan fans and the Titans lost today to Tampa Bay. The other couple at the table was Fred and Gloria Marks of Apollo Beach, FL. They are ardent Tampa Bay Buc fans. We are all parked on the same street, and we will likely see much more of one another. It was a fun meal with a lot of conversation. Fred had to leave early to take a turn driving the tractor.

The display coaches have arrived. We will be touring them during the week. We saw Dynastys, Diplomats, Knights, and Caymans in the parking area. Two dealers are here: Dixie RV of Newport News, VA and Tom Johnson Camping Center of Concord, NC. We bought our current coach from Dixie RV; we know them. We will be interested in learning about Tom Johnson.

Tomorrow is a quiet day. There will be a welcome party tomorrow night after the remaining coaches arrive. We have been told 95 coaches are registered. It should be a nice crowd.


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