Sunday, September 16, 2007

Friday, September 14, 2007: Camp Out Day 2

Great sleeping weather! We were slow getting out this morning. The day was made for relaxing and most took advantage.

About mid morning someone mentioned that Jim Settles had no clearance lights on the rear of his coach. Now, that was a challenge! Larry and Jim tested circuits and replaced fuses for several hours. We needed Chuck Tolson and Jim Matheny to engineer the problem. Bill Freed and Gibby King took a turn later in the day. The end result was that the problem was never solved, but Jim’s lights were temporarily fixed by a jumper wire that will get him home.

The ladies had some board games going for part of the day, and afternoon naps were not overlooked. Throughout the day additional couples arrived and found a camp site. Our newlyweds, Bill and Rachel, were congratulated as the settled in. By late afternoon, the Welfords, Ramers, Ferrignos, Alexanders, Freeds, Goulets, and Zerhusens had joined us.

Happy Hour and dinner were moved to the pavilion for space and dryness. Rain clouds formed around 5:00 PM and the rain began to fall soon after. Hotdogs and hamburgers were on the menu tonight and with several people bring grills and trimmings, we ate very well. The rain curtailed any evening activities, and we all retired to our coaches early on. Two more rigs arrived after dark and parked without tree damage.

What a beautiful sound: rain drops on the motor home’s roof; music to sleep by.


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