Friday, September 12, 2008

"Six" (aka the Knudsen Brothers)

Easily the highlight of Thursday, and possible of the whole trip, this spectacular show is one of a kind and a must see if you like musical entertainment. These six brothers have created "An Orchestra of Human Voices" like nothing we have ever heard. Their advertising includes "Your Eyes Won't Believe Your Ears"; it is true. Six brothers create a full orchestra vocally as they perform a wide range of music. We were fascinated by their skills, especially Owen who 'played' the drums and cymbals. Jak provided side splitting comedy, and Curtis, the youngest, demonstrated a phenomenal vocal range. Curtis was also the impish flirt who engaged many of the ladies in the first two rows of the audience. Kevin, Lynn, and Barry complete the group and each makes a major contribution to the show.

A moving part of the show was a tribute to the brothers' mother who died in 1992 of cancer. We learned that she had birthed ten children, all boys. At the end of the tribute the brothers introduced their father who was in the audience. Each of the brothers was born in a different place because the father relocated many times to find work. There is obviously more to their story than we learned, but it is an intriguing story nonetheless.

The finale to the show was a tribute to America, America's veterans, military service members, and the memories of those lost in the 9/11 attack. Six's rendition of the "Battle Hymn of the Republic" was emotionally inspiring and left the audience in awe. What a show!

The afternoon show ended in time for us to get to Landry's restaurant for a group dinner. Mason and Flo could not attend due to illness, but we added another Mason and his wife Judy. Mason II is Jim's brother. They arrived yesterday from Tulsa and will be here until Sunday. With two Masons there is bound to be confusion. So, what's new?

The evening show was the Joe Diffie Show at the Yakov Smirnoff Theater. The theater was nice, the show was disappointing. We have seen many high quality performances, and this show did not measure up. Win some, lose some!

Today is Friday, and two more shows are scheduled. The sun is out , the skies are blue, and we are in Branson. Who could ask for anything more?


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