Monday, September 8, 2008

Branson, MO

America's Best Campground is our home for a week. This hilly campground makes coach leveling a challenge. We are parked next to Jim and Linda. Their Vectra has both front wheels off the ground. We have stretched the auto leveling system to its maximum, and we sure need the extra step to get in and out. We had to position the coach well forward on the site to avoid the trees and provide room to open the slides. Some sites are better than others, and we will make out okay.

After setting up the coach, we had a mini meeting about shows to see and who wanted to do what. Clearly, there were differences in preferences. It worked out well Monday morning. Mem and Larry and Donna and Chuck paired off as did we and Jim and Linda. We had a fantastic time riding the Duck. This converted WW II amphibious troop carrier was a perfect way to tour to learn about Branson and much of the surrounding area. The driver/guide provided information with humor and flair. We went from mountain top to Table Top Lake level. We learned about the construction of the dam and then cruised the lake that the dam created. Jim's buddy Mason came along with us for the ride. He is a great guy who we met two years ago in Cordele, GA. We followed the tour with a bar-b-que lunch.

Our afternoon was spent shopping and buying tickets for shows to see during the week. Late in the afternoon our friends Don and Diane called. They had coach problems on their way to Branson. The battery equalizer caught fire while they were parked at a Wal-Mart. Don was able to extinguish the flames and followed factory instruction to prepare the coach for travel. Don also made arrangements to get the coach repaired tomorrow morning in Branson. They accelerated their trip and arrived tonight rather than tomorrow.

Tonight Flo and Mason invited our four couples to their home here in Branson for dinner. They were gracious hosts, and we had a delightful evening with excellent food. We managed to get lost driving home. Everything looks different at night, and we were talking and having too much fun to see the campground entrance. That is why we have U turns at the ready. We used one.


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