Sunday, September 14, 2008

Morning After

It is Sunday morning; the rain has stopped. What a night! The storm, which began as rain while we were in the Mickey Gilley Theater, increased in intensity by midnight. We went to sleep, but our sleep was short lived. Hurricane “Ike” had arrived. We were awakened by high winds and slashing rain around 1:00 AM. The coach was rocking! This continued through 4:30 AM. Sometime after that we went back to sleep. Around 6:15 AM we awoke; the wind and rain had stopped; all was serene.

There are leaves scattered everywhere on the ground and on the motor home. Tree damage is extensive with many large branches stripped from poplars, maples, and other trees. The park had people cleaning up soon after day light. Many folks awoke to the sound of chain saws. By late morning all large debris was gone. The sun came out and we enjoyed a beautiful day.

This was a down day for us. We said farewell to Jim and Linda who left for Stafford, VA. Next, Larry and Mem left for Indianapolis, IN. Lastly, Mason and Judy departed for Tulsa, OK. Chuck and Donna relocated from Site 63 to Site 62. All sites vacated were re-occupied by new arrivals by noon. The park is very full tonight.

Don and Diane picked us up for dinner at Red Lobster tonight. We had a great last meal in Branson. We have invited D & D to visit us in Virginia next month when they return from Myrtle Beach. If they come, we hope to play tourist with them in Washington and the Virginia area.

The motor home is about ready for the road. The car is hooked up and only water and electric need to be disconnected in the morning. We anticipate another dry day tomorrow and will try to get make it to Kentucky tomorrow night.

So, as we leave Branson, what can we say about our stay here? We had a great time with good friends. Some shows were good and some not so good. Our top shows were Six, Shoji Tabuchi, and Pierce Arrow. We were disappointed in Joe Diffie and Yakov Smirnoff. In the middle we enjoyed Broadway, Mickey Gilley, the Presleys, and 12 Irish Tenors. We also enjoyed the Titanic museum. Branson is a great destination with quality entertainment at reasonable prices. We hope we can return one day.


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