Saturday, September 13, 2008

Closing the Week

The hot topic here is weather, especially hurricane Ike. We decided not to leave until Monday. The park was happy to extend us on the same site. Chuck and Donna will also stay an extra day, but they have to relocate to Jim and Linda's site. J & L will leave Sunday in the rain, if necessary.

Most of Saturday was cloudy but dry. We went to see Yakov Smirnoff this afternoon. He is a legend in Branson and has one of its finest theaters. His show included many references to his youth in Russia, his journey to America and his remarkable career as a comedian and actor. His monologues seem tired. There were many funny jokes, but too much non-comedy. He is obviously a patriot and a proud citizen of the USA. We enjoyed his Russian dancers and their routines. It is a classy show, but we would have liked more comedy and less philosophy.

Dinner was at McFarlain's Restaurant. This is the place we visited earlier for dessert and it was closed. This time it was open and all fourteen in our group enjoyed a fine dinner. The fourteen was seven less than the number for dinner Friday night.

Our final show was "The Mickey Gilley Show". It was a good show to close the week. Gilley is a veteran entertainer who has surrounded himself with talent. He sang his hit songs of yesteryear and allowed his support players full opportunity to display their talents. There was enough Gilley to satisfy his fans, but not too much. Joey Riley is the comedian of the show and an accomplished musician. He and Gilley played off each other very well, and the humor was infectious. Gilley's show needs Riley. We had a great time.

Rain was falling when we came out of the Gilley show. We got wet, but dried out alright. It was good to get into the comfort of the coach and know that we do not have to drive away tomorrow.
We expect rain all day tomorrow and will likely sit tight. Hopefully, the storm will pass before we leave on Monday.


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