Saturday, August 23, 2008

Camping in August

A week ago tomorrow we returned from a five day camping trip to Outdoor World Campground in Oak Grove, VA. This was no ordinary camping experience; we took our two grandchildren with us. From Wednesday when we picked them up until Sunday when their parents took them home, it was a whirlwind of activity. They were tired, we were tired. We were still tired Monday and Tuesday. They recovered faster than we did.

This outing was the monthly Old Dominion Cardinals camp out. The campground is a membership (owner - only) facility. This keeps traffic and noise down. Ken Taylor is an owner and he brings ODC in each year as guests. The pool is great, the sites are adequate and we had a very nice pavilion for meals, meetings and activities.

The grandchildren were outside most of each day. Mem and Larry had their granddaughter Maddy with them so Amanda had a playmate. Neil and Andrea had their two boys with them and Tyler found new friends. All the children had fun playing with, walking and feeding the many dogs who come to these events. It was a good time for all.

Our efforts to convince Amy and Charles to get a motor home are so far unsuccessful. The children take to camping readily. It would be fun to camp together, but we are not being heard. The grandchildren are lobbying for a pet dog. After the weekend, they believe they will convince their parents. My guess is that neither we nor the grandchildren will be successful.

Next month we are traveling to Branson, MO, and on the way home we will stop in Nashville, TN and join up with ODC at King's Dominion Campground. It should be a fun trip.