Thursday, May 31, 2007

GoodSam VA Samboree - May 18-20

The Virginia Good Sam Spring Samboree was at Beth-Page RV Resort in Urbanna, VA.

It was cold and rainy May 17 when our club began arriving at Beth-Page. Long pants quickly replaced those few shorts that some optimistic campers were wearing, and jackets and sweatshirts were highly visible. Our club, the Old Dominion Cardinals (ODC), had a good turn out with 13 rigs: Dennis, Alexander, Simmons, Freed, Farabee, Halstead, Parsons, Ferrigno, Tolson, Raymond, Settles, Scanlon, and Welford. Additionally, the Raymers and the Schultzes came to visit although they could not stay (no rigs). We are pleased to welcome Chuck and Donna Tolson as our newest ODC members.

The weather began clearing May 18 and May 19 was nearly perfect. Folks enjoyed socializing with each other and a terrific pot-luck Italian night dinner was the highlight of Saturday's relaxed activities. The club conducted a 50-50 raffle during Saturday's flea market and raised $113 for the VA Tech Recovery Fund.

The next ODC campout is June 22-24 at Grey's Point RV Resort in Topping, VA.